The Ugly Truth of Feminism

 By Anna Grace Wood - Posted at Femina Sola Gratia:

The ugly truth is this: Feminism isn’t just out there; it’s in here. In our hearts and minds, our churches, homes, families, clothing choices, and in nearly everything we’ve been taught to believe about duties, society, culture, choices, and life.

Feminists hate God, men, women, children, and all that is holy or normal. Until we understand that, we will continue to swallow feminist’s lies.

Even saying “men’s and women’s roles” rather than “duties” smacks of swallowing the poison of feminism. God didn’t give us roles to play or fill but duties to perform. To some this might seem a slight difference but nothing could be further from the truth. “Roles” suggest mutability, the ability to step in and out of roles as the need or desire arises. “Duties” suggests that God has given men and women different but equally important inherent responsibilities that they have to fulfill so that God might be glorified and all might work as it is designed to work.
