Accommodating Transgenderism – Stepping Toward the Toilet in Schools
By Rev. Dr. Joe Renfro - Posted at Christian
Under the flag of civil rights, the Executive branch of our government has issued the directive that transgender people, those who currently make up less than one percent of our population in America, have the right to use whatever public restroom, locker room, shower room, or toilet they personally feel appropriate. According to the New York Times the Administration issued a letter to every public school in the land telling them to allow “transgender” students to use whichever bathroom they please. This ruling is going to have detrimental effects on education, all the way from the pre-school through college. It is surely stepping toward the toilet in American education!
What is a transgender? A transgender can be straight, gay, or bi-sexual. It has nothing to do with the kind of people to whom they have romantic feelings toward. Gender identity is the gender with which you identify. Sexual orientation is the gender to which you’re attracted. Many transgender people seek counseling, while others want to say that being transgender isn’t amental illness. Nevertheless, many transgender people are often very depressed or anxious. They often become socially isolated, and, in fact, forty-one percent have attempted suicide, compared to twenty percent for the lesbian and gays, and 4.6 percent for the overall population (Transgender Suicide Attempt Rate is Staggering, Vocative, July 15), and studies strongly suggest that feelings of gender confusion in young children are often temporary (Obama’s Transgender ‘Obsession” is “Literally Insane, by Paul Bremmer, WND, May 14, 2016)
Assigning someone’s sex is based on biology — chromosomes, anatomy, and hormones–and if a person is born male or female sex that is physiologically what one is. But a person’s gender — the inner sense of being male, female, or both — doesn’t always match that sex, according to transgenderism. Transgender people say they were assigned a sex that isn’t true to who they are. Many people have different assumptions about what it means to be transgender, but it isn’t about surgery, or sexual orientation, or even how someone dresses. They say it’s how they feel inside, often a matter of degree.
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