Strange Times: Donald Trump is Lost and Leading Evangelicals Seem Unconcerned
By Seth Dunn - Posted at Pulpit & Pen:
Donald Trump, like many nominal Presbyterians, is lost. Everything about Trump’s public statements and behavior indicates that, if he died today, Donald Trump would spend an eternity in Hell. This, in and of itself, should concern believers and arouse not their scorn but their compassion. Regardless of how Trump is viewed as a political candidate, his lostness should be of utmost concern to the children of God. The same is true for Hilary Clinton who seems as nominally Christian and spiritually dead as Trump. Yet the lostness of these two souls seems to be of the least to concern to many politically-minded professional talking-head Christians. Liberty University professor, Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, made a recent post on Facebook that seems to illustrate this very clearly.[1]
The first “leading evangelical” to whom Prior refers is Jerry Falwell, Jr. Falwell is the President of Liberty University, which claims to be “the world’s largest Christian University.” The school’s official motto is “Training Champions for Christ.” However, the school motto could obviously be “Training Champions for the GOP.” The 2012 Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, was conferred an honorary doctorate by the school and invited to speak at that year’s commencement ceremony.[2] In January of 2016, Jerry Falwell Jr. endorsed Trump for the Republican nomination after giving him an opportunity to speak in front of Liberty’s thousands of students. That the son of a televangelist would endorse Donald Trump should have come as no surprise to Russell More, who once pronounced that Trump was the leader of the “Jimmy Swaggart wing” of evangelical voters.
Donald Trump, like many nominal Presbyterians, is lost. Everything about Trump’s public statements and behavior indicates that, if he died today, Donald Trump would spend an eternity in Hell. This, in and of itself, should concern believers and arouse not their scorn but their compassion. Regardless of how Trump is viewed as a political candidate, his lostness should be of utmost concern to the children of God. The same is true for Hilary Clinton who seems as nominally Christian and spiritually dead as Trump. Yet the lostness of these two souls seems to be of the least to concern to many politically-minded professional talking-head Christians. Liberty University professor, Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, made a recent post on Facebook that seems to illustrate this very clearly.[1]
The first “leading evangelical” to whom Prior refers is Jerry Falwell, Jr. Falwell is the President of Liberty University, which claims to be “the world’s largest Christian University.” The school’s official motto is “Training Champions for Christ.” However, the school motto could obviously be “Training Champions for the GOP.” The 2012 Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, was conferred an honorary doctorate by the school and invited to speak at that year’s commencement ceremony.[2] In January of 2016, Jerry Falwell Jr. endorsed Trump for the Republican nomination after giving him an opportunity to speak in front of Liberty’s thousands of students. That the son of a televangelist would endorse Donald Trump should have come as no surprise to Russell More, who once pronounced that Trump was the leader of the “Jimmy Swaggart wing” of evangelical voters.
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