Seeing Kingdom Light in Cultural Dark

 By J.K. Wall - Posted at Gentle Reformation:

U.S. Christians tend to be Eeyores about our country's culture. We focus on how bad things are now and how much worse they’re likely to get.

After a year of COVID, restrictions on worship, racial protests, a contested election and high-profile scandals among Christian leaders, it’s easy to see more darkness in American culture than light. It's easy to cast ourselves and our faith as persecuted victims in an anti-Christian culture.

At the base of this “siege mentality” is a theological error—putting more faith in the recent public standing of Christianity than in the present reality of Christ’s kingdom rule. But also at its base is a simple failure to recognize good news when we see it.

So beginning today and throughout much of this year, I’m going to remind us all of positive trends that should give us hope. Some of these will be global in nature, some will focus on the U.S. Some of these will be pleasant surprises for those who lean conservative, and some will be pleasant surprises for those who lean liberal.

In all cases, I hope to reassure you that even if Christianity appears to be losing out culturally, if we have eyes to see, we can see Jesus the King still acting within our cultures to bring blessings to us and glory to Him.


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