The Next King Phillip's War

By James Atticus Bowden - Posted at Deo Vindice:

Radical Indians practicing a, distorted, extreme Paganism attack.

The King Philip’s War (1675-1676) was the bloodiest war – per capita – in America. Twice as many casualties as a portion of the population than our American Civil War (a.k.a. The Recent Unpleasantness)! Seven times more bloody that WW II – FYI – for all “Greatest Generation” fans. Consider what happened and could happen again.

The pagan Indian tribes of New England were at peace with the English colonists for many years. The Indian tribes had historic conflicts, like the Sunni and Shia Muslims do, with each other. The Wampanoag tribe hated their traditional enemies, the Pequot, Narragansett, and the Mohegan and vice versa. A number of Indians had converted to Christianity, lived in English-style towns and were called Praying Indians.

The Indian tribes were Neolithic Pagans. They were at least 2000 years behind Western Civilization – the English colonists. They sold their land to buy the advanced goods of the West. Islam is a Totalitarian Ideology and identity, which includes a barbarian religion, and is 800 years behind Western and American Civilization.

The death of John Sassamon started the awful war. Sassamon was an Indian, and Harvard graduate, who converted to Christianity. His “Indianophobic” Christian speech against their ancient pagan religion and culture – and warning the English of plots to attack – provoked his death. Since his murder was “wood (actually frozen pond) place violence” not terrorism, three Wampanoag warriors were tried in a criminal trial, where Indian elders were on the jury. The perps were found guilty and hung. That, and possibly other discriminatory actions, “radicalized” Chief Metacom – a.k.a King Philip.


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