Here’s What Disaster Relief Looks Like Right Now On The Ground In Houston

Source: The Federalist

By Cheryl Magness - Posted at The Federalist:

The swift response to Harvey's devastation was the fruit of much preparation, organization, and groundwork—often going back years.

Within hours of Hurricane Harvey’s making landfall, relief efforts around the world had begun. First responders, local officials, churches, schools, civic organizations, and places of business leaped into action. In the days since Harvey released his fury on the Texas and Louisiana coasts, Americans have demonstrated the spirit that unifies much more than divides us, digging deep to share of their time, talents and treasure with those in need.

It has been a sight to behold, but it is not something that just happens. Such a response is the fruit of much preparation, organization, and groundwork, often going back years. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a two-million-plus-member Christian church body based in St. Louis, Missouri, with over 6,000 congregations around the world and missionaries in 32 countries, is no stranger to relief work. In the wake of Katrina, the LCMS was involved in restoring some 6,000 homes in East New Orleans. Christianity Today recently named the LCMS as one of several organizations the magazine recommends as “reputable, well-established . . . on the ground at the site of the disaster and ready to work.”


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