Our Lawmakers Will Not Be Able To Wash The Blood Of Christians From Their Hands

(Voice of the Persecuted) What in the world is going on with our lawmakers? While the Western media puts all the focus on our election, their silence covers up the continued persecution and genocide of Christians. Is it any wonder that a large majority in the U.S. are still ignorant that persecution is even taking place, today?

Iran is increasing pressure on Christians, even raiding their family outings, beating and arresting them on trumped up charges of attempting to overthrow the government. (Read more)

Iran continues to violate international human rights agreements and treaties, whose signatories are supposed to respect basic rights such as the right of religious freedom, personal security and dignity, the right to be free from arbitrary detention, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right to humane conditions of detention, the right to a fair trial and the right of victims to justice and to reparation. While Iran escalates high seas harassment of our U.S. Navy ships—chants “Death to America” following Friday prayers—vows to wipe Israel off the face of the map—imprisons or executes anyone who dares to speak out against the corrupt religious views of the Iranian regime—enforced or involuntary disappearances—arrest, beat and torture Christians. Why? They follow and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is seen as a huge threat by the Iranian Regime. It’s outrageous beyond comprehension how the West remains silent of these human rights abuses.


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